Wednesday, 31 August 2016

Monday 29th August

It all felt a bit lonely out there as Jobs for the Buoys and Vinyl Solutions embarked on a two boat match race on Monday evening!

Unfortunately the course did not allow for a beat so, once ahead, Jobs for the Buoys didn't really have any competition, other than in sail handling around the various marks.

Nonetheless a lovely evening weather wise AND we came SECOND !! Best result of the year.
Well done Holly for helming so admirably.


J24 Monday Evening Autumn Series 2016
    1st Aug 8th Aug 15th Aug 22nd Aug 29th Aug 5th Sept 12th Sept 19th Sept Points
4265 Madeliene 2 5 1 2 dnc 13       23
4263 Jobs for the Buoys 5 DNF 11 5 7 1       29
4239 Zaphod 3 4 4 5 dnc 13       29
4270 Jolly Roger 1 3 Av 4 8 dnc 13       31
4067 Vinyl Solutions 6 9 6 dnc 13 2       35
4235 Wijit dnc 13 1 3 6 dnc 13       36
4074 Crackerjack dnc 13 8 2 3 dnc 13       37
4242 Pheonix dnc 13 6 Av 5 1 dnc 13       38
4266 Flying Colours dnc 13 2 Av 6 4 dnc 13       38
5467 XP Rigging 4 7 Av 8 dnc 13 dnc 13       45
4204 Easy Tiger dnf 7 dnc 13 DNF8 DNF 10 dnc 13       51

William Lack 

Tuesday, 23 August 2016

Monday 22nd August 2016

As Vinyl Solutions was unable to sail I invited myself to sail aboard Crackerjack where I was witness to some expert helmsmanship from Dave Butter's son Jack. David Lush was press ganged into becoming Race Officer for the evening so the decision was made to only fly jibs, as Jobs for the Buoys could only have 4 crew. A course of 26 to Port, Bell Race Mark to starboard and then a windward/leeward using South Deep twice was set. However the fast ebbing tide caught out many boats notably Easy Tiger, who resorted to engine, and Jolly Roger whose time was severely effected.
Pheonix, starting at the box end got away quickly whilst Wijit was adjudged over the line and had to return. The huge tide at 26 meant extreme care had to be taken but, once round Pheonix had a clear run to finish whilst Madeleine, Flying Colours and Crackerjack battled for the remaining silverware. The race was ultimately shortened to Glovers with the following result:
1st Pheonix
2nd Madeleine
3rd Crackerjack
4th Flying Colours
5th Zaphod
6th Wijit
7th Jobs for the Buoys
8th Jolly Roger
DNF Easy Tiger

I have now noticed my mistake with regard to separating the Summer and Autumn Series !!
Congratulations to Roger Morris 1st, Duncan McCarthy 2nd and Andy Taylor 3rd for the Summer Series. 

J24 Monday Evening Summer Series 2016
    6th June 13th June 20th June 27th June 4th July 11th July 18th July 25th July Points
                    after 1 discard
4270 Jolly Roger a 2 1 1 2 1 3 5 10 1st
4265 Madeleine b 1 2 RET 9 7 2 1 2 15 2nd
4242 Pheonix a 4 DNC 12 RTD 9 1 3 7 1 24 3rd
4074 Crackerjack n 7 DNC 12 2 5 4 4 4 26 4th
4263 Jobs for the Buoys d 8 5 3 4 7 2 6 27 5th
4235 Wijit o 3 4 DNC 12 3 6 6 8 30 6th
4266 Flying Colours n 6 3 DNC 12 DNC 12 5 5 3 34 7th
4239 Zaphod e 5 7 4 6 9 8 7 37 8th
5467 XP Rigging d 10 6 5 8 8 9 9 45 9th
4067 Vinyl Solutions   9 DNF 9 7 9 DNC 12 10 10 54 10th
4204 Easy Tiger   DNC 12 DNC 12 6 DNF 11 10 DNC 12 DNC 12 63 11th
6 races to count

William Lack 
mobile tel no. 0782 552 8413

Wednesday, 17 August 2016

Monday 15th August

An absolutely perfect evening for a gentle sail around Poole harbour with a glorious sunset to finish.
A SE breeze and high tide allowed for the 7 competitors to utilise the width of the harbour from Brownsea to Salterns Marina to beat up to Bell race mark and then run back to Stakes race mark. With some of the fleet away at the European Championships in Plymouth there were fewer participants. We were pleased with our start at the pin end (others were not quite so pleased!) but despite a good scrub off prior to the race Vinyl Solutions' boat speed did not allow us to keep up. Wijit, despite starting slowly over hauled most of the fleet, whilst Crackerjack turn in another great performance to finish just behind Madeleine. Easy Tiger succumbed to a weedy under carriage and lack of spinnaker so departed early.
The European competitors scored average points.

Summer Series
    6th June 13th June 20th June 27th June 4th July 11th July 18th July 25th July 1st Aug 8th Aug 15th Aug Points
                          (4 discards)
4270 Jolly Roger a 2 1 1 2 1 3 5 1 3 Av 2 8
4265 Madeleine b 1 2 RET 9 7 2 1 2 2 5 1 9
4242 Pheonix a 4 DNC 12 RTD 9 1 3 7 1 DNC 12 6 Av 6 15
4235 Wijit o 3 4 DNC 12 3 6 6 8 DNC 12 1 3 19
4074 Crackerjack n 7 DNC 12 2 5 4 4 4 DNC 12 8 2 21
4266 Flying Colours n 6 3 DNC 12 DNC 12 5 5 3 DNC 12 2 Av 7 24
4263 Jobs for the Buoys d 8 5 3 4 7 2 6 5 DNF 11 5 24
4239 Zaphod e 5 7 4 6 9 8 7 3 4 4 26
5467 XP Rigging d 10 6 5 8 8 9 9 4 7 Av 7 37
4067 Vinyl Solutions   9 DNF 9 7 9 DNC 12 10 10 6 9 6 55
4204 Easy Tiger   DNC 12 DNC 12 6 DNF 11 10 DNC 12 DNC 12 RTD 7 DNC 12 DNF8 66
6 races to count

William Lack
mobile tel no. 0782 552 8413

Tuesday, 9 August 2016

Monday 8th August

Apologies for missing last week's results, but here is how it stands now.
A very interesting evening on Monday with a gusty and increasing NW breeze
but all boats stuck with genoas throughout. Crackerjack was OCS at the start but 
redeemed herself but couldn't get back into the leading pack. Andrew Hill's Wijit
and crew were super fast and no-one got anywhere near them after the first mark.
Flying Colours recovered from a slow start to bounce her way (literally) up to 2nd
place, using the slack tide in Wytch Channel to their advantage.

6th June 13th June 20th June 27th June 4th July 11th July 18th July 25th July 1st Aug 8th Aug Points
(3 discards)
4270 Jolly Roger a 2 1 1 2 1 3 5 1 3 8
4265 Madeleine b 1 2 RET 9 7 2 1 2 2 5 10
4242 Pheonix a 4 DNC 12 RTD 9 1 3 7 1 DNC 12 6 22
4235 Wijit o 3 4 DNC 12 3 6 6 8 DNC 12 1 23
4266 Flying Colours n 6 3 DNC 12 DNC 12 5 5 3 DNC 12 2 24
4263 Jobs for the Buoys d 8 5 3 4 7 2 6 5 DNF 11 25
4074 Crackerjack n 7 DNC 12 2 5 4 4 4 DNC 12 8 26
4239 Zaphod e 5 7 4 6 9 8 7 3 4 29
5467 XP Rigging d 10 6 5 8 8 9 9 4 7 38
4067 Vinyl Solutions 9 DNF 9 7 9 DNC 12 10 10 6 9 49
4204 Easy Tiger DNC 12 DNC 12 6 DNF 11 10 DNC 12 DNC 12 RTD 7 DNC 12 58

William Lack Marine 
mobile tel no. 0782 552 8413