Wednesday, 27 July 2016

Monday 25th July

A beautiful evening for a sail. A little blustery to start with, which encouraged jibs to be flown
but, on the long run from "up there somewhere beyond Brownsea" back to NC12 most opted to
change to genoas in the fading breeze. Our foredeck crew completed this task brilliantly in a very 
short space of time (yes the decision was a little late). However, the swapping sides of spinnaker 
sheets for the run from Ro-Ro was not quite so crisp !! We had a great fun evening without 
threatening the front four boats, Pheonix (who were very quick and took line honours), Madeleine, 
Flying Colours and Crackerjack, who seemed to leave a nice healthy gap between themselves and 
the chasers. Actually, we weren't that close to the second half of the fleet either !! 
However, it is all good experience.


Series results:
    6th June 13th June 20th June 27th June 4th July 11th July 18th July 25th July Points
                    (1 discard)
4270 Jolly Roger a 2 1 1 2 1 3 5 10
4265 Madeleine b 1 2 RET 9 7 2 1 2 15
4242 Pheonix a 4 DNC 12 RTD 9 1 3 7 1 25
4074 Crackerjack n 7 DNC 12 2 5 4 4 4 26
4263 Jobs for the Buoys d 8 5 3 4 7 2 6 27
4235 Wijit o 3 4 DNC 12 3 6 6 8 30
4266 Flying Colours n 6 3 DNC 12 DNC 12 5 5 3 34
4239 Zaphod e 5 7 4 6 9 8 7 37
5467 XP Rigging d 10 6 5 8 8 9 9 45
4067 Vinyl Solutions   9 DNF 9 7 9 DNC 12 10 10 54
4204 Easy Tiger   DNC 12 DNC 12 6 DNF 11 10 DNC 12 DNC 12 63

William Lack 
mobile tel no. 0782 552 8413

Saturday, 23 July 2016

Monday 18th July

A beautiful summer's evening, at last!!! with just enough of a SE breeze to allow for a windward / leeward course with North Channel no. 2 being the windward mark and Stakes Race mark the leeward.
"Let's be maverick" we all agreed on Vinyl Solutions. "Everyone else will head over to the Brownsea shallows and beat up against the strengthening incoming tide. So let's try the North Channel and approach No2 buoy on starboard tack" So the idea was to short tack along the harbour's north shore up to Saltern's and then near Evening Hill. What we didn't allow for was that EVERYONE else had the same idea!!! so it all got rather congested.
Topper sailor Oscar volunteered to perform these tricky tacking manoeuvres and it wasn't his fault that we spend a few minutes prising a mooring buoy from around our rudder !! Needless to say we now trailed the fleet. All we could see was blue spinnakers starting the run so who was who ? Who knows ?
Madeleine, on the wrong side of the start line for the Race Officers' liking, and 5th around the windward mark, gybed into the main channel the quickest and found themselves heading the fleet by the finish. Jobs for the Buoys achieved their best result of the series, coming 2nd, keeping Jolly Roger viewing their transom.
Crackerjack move up into 4th place in the series. 

    6th June 13th June 20th June 27th June 4th July 11th July 18th July Points
4270 Jolly Roger a 2 1 1 2 1 3 10
4265 Madeleine b 1 2 RET 9 7 2 1 22
4263 Jobs for the Buoys a 8 5 3 4 7 2 29
4074 Crackerjack n 7 DNC 12 2 5 4 4 34
4235 Wijit d 3 4 DNC 12 3 6 6 34
4242 Pheonix o 4 DNC 12 RTD 9 1 3 7 36
4239 Zaphod n 5 7 4 6 9 8 39
4266 Flying Colours e 6 3 DNC 12 DNC 12 5 5 43
5467 XP Rigging d 10 6 5 8 8 9 46
4067 Vinyl Solutions   9 DNF 9 7 9 DNC 12 10 56
4204 Easy Tiger   DNC 12 DNC 12 6 DNF 11 10 DNC 12 63

William Lack 
mobile tel no. 0782 552 8413

Wednesday, 13 July 2016

Monday 11th July

Typically, as soon as the decision is made, you can guarantee that the wind will start to abate and everyone else will have a good race! Well that is how it seemed as I drove along the A35 back home on Monday evening. Vinyl Solutions' crew had been dispersed awaiting next week.
However, I understand that the remaining 10 J24's were greeted with 20+ knots of wind and most opted for their smaller headsails. With the wind in a westerly there was, apparently not too much of a beat, but some trimmers got a workout, nonetheless.

Apologies to Crackerjack in messing up their result on 27th June, now rectified.

Summer Series results.....let's hope we get a summer before too long

6th June 13th June 20th June 27th June 4th July 11th July 18th July 25th July Points
4270 Jolly Roger A 2 1 1 2 1 7
4265 Madeleine B 1 2 RET 9 7 2 21
4263 Jobs for the Buoys A 8 5 3 4 7 27
4235 Wijit N 3 4 DNC 12 3 5 27
4239 Zaphod D 5 7 4 6 9 31
4242 Pheonix O 4 DNC 12 RTD 9 1 3 29
4074 Crackerjack N 7 DNC 12 2 5 4 30
5467 XP Rigging E 10 6 5 8 8 37
4266 Flying Colours D 6 3 DNC 12 DNC 12 6 39
4067 Vinyl Solutions 9 DNF 9 7 9 DNC 12 46
4204 Easy Tiger DNC 12 DNC 12 6 DNF 11 10 51

William Lack
mobile tel no. 0782 552 8413

Monday, 4 July 2016

J24 Summer !!! 2016 Series Scores

6th June 13th June 20th June 27th June 4th July 11th July 18th July 25th July Points
4270 Jolly Roger B 2 1 1 2 6
4265 Madeleine A 1 2 RET 9 7 19
4263 Jobs for the Buoys 8 5 3 4 20
4235 Wijit A 3 4 DNC 12 3 22
4239 Zaphod D 5 7 4 6 22
4242 Hitch Hiker N 4 DNC 12 RTD 9 1 26
5467 XP Rigging D 10 6 5 8 29
4266 Flying Colours O 6 3 DNC 12 DNC 12 33
4067 Vinyl Solutions E 9 DNF 9 7 9 34
4074 Crackerjack N 7 DNC 12 DNC 12 5 36
4204 Easy Tiger DNC 12 DNC 12 6 DNF 11 41

William Lack 
mobile tel no. 0782 552 8413

Monday 4th July

Blustery, overcast, but a fun race in cool conditions. Duncan McCarthy joined us on board Vinyl Solutions to add a bit of class to the proceedings, whilst Ben Purrier took the helm. 
Despite a poor start, and only 4 on board, Jolly Roger proved their mettle to finish 2nd behind Hitchhiker who stormed away never to be caught. Andrew Hill's Wijit also had their problems with recalcitrant spinnaker sheets but recovered to an excellent 3rd. There were many place changes throughout the race as the fleet negotiated the strong incoming tide whilst paying particular attention to Stoney corner. Sadly Easy Tiger were unable to finish due to a wrapped spinnaker.
I made a note to myself at the end, to remain in the cockpit. The bruises will take a little while to disappear. 

1st 4242 Hitchhiker
2nd 4270  Jolly Roger
3rd 4235 Wijit
4th 4263  Jobs for the Buoys
5th 4074 Crackerjack
6th 4239 Zaphod
7th 4265 Madeleine
8th 5647 XP Rigging
9th 4067 Vinyl Solutions
DNF 4204  Easy Tiger 
William Lack  
mobile tel no. 0782 552 8413