Vinyl Solutions, helmed by a 13 year old, came 3rd! That will do. End of report!!
If only......After a great beat up to Glovers in a very narrow channel with plenty of sand and mud on view throughout Poole harbour, the breeze died and the fleet of eight J24s drifted on an ever increasing flood tide, which diminished the wind strength even more, all the way to Hutchins beyond Poole YC. Pheonix led the way, followed by Flying Colours, Madeleine and Jolly Roger. The beat back proved to be even more testing, with the mud being leant into on several occasions.
Then the controversy......the Race Officer shortened the course to finish to port of Buoy 28, but not everyone heard the change of course and, whilst Pheonix, Flying Colours and Madeleine made their way to finish at the box, the remaining boats went for the shortened course finish.
So Jolly Roger finished first, Jobs for the Buoys second and Vinyl Solutions third whilst Wijt and Zaphod finally gave up the ghost.
So what is the result? Perhaps Pheonix and Jolly Roger could be equal first and so on? Or the result stands as the Race Officer dictates? Or the places at Hutchins could be counted? Or the whole result is canned (hope not! ). I believe a protest is to be heard.
Over to you Race Officer or Fleet Captain.
Sent from my iPad
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