Tuesday, 4 July 2017

Summer Series Results so far

William Lack 
mobile tel no. 0782 552 8413

Summer Series Results so far

Parkstone Yacht Club Monday Evening Summer Series 2017
Sail No. Name 12th June 19th June 26th June 3rd July
4235 Wijit 1 1 5 1 8
4239 Zaphod 4 3 2 6 15
4263 Jobs for the Buoys 5 2 4 4 15
4236 OJ 2 DNC 9 3 5 19
4266 Flying Colours DNC 9 DNC 9 1 3 22
4067 Vinyl Solutions 6 4 6 7 23
4270 Jolly Roger DNC 9 DNC 9 DNC 9 2 29
4074 Crackerjack 3 DNC 9 DNC 9 DNC 9 30

Parkstone YC Monday Evening Summer Series

William Lack Marine 
mobile tel no. 0782 552 8413
Representing: Baltic, Key West, LED Lenser, Sea Smart, Holt, Tilley Endurables.

Monday 3rd July 2017

After two Mondays of drifting around the harbour and crawling over the finishing line, on Monday we were treated to a SW Force 4 which prompted our Race Officer to send us out to Branksome. Unfortunately for us this was the one time we, on Vinyl Solutions, were a little light on crew (actually we are always light, but this time we were only four up, so even lighter than usual). I like to get my excuses in early !!  Having competed quite favourably over the last few weeks we were actually a bit disappointed to be left so far behind, but a quite spectacular broach at Poole Head didn't exactly help. Character building stuff though !! Disappointed but not downhearted we joined the Class 2 finishers having watched the little white triangles of the J 24 fleet finishing more than a little while earlier!
Meanwhile, Wijit and Jolly Roger jostled with Flying Colours at the front end of the fleet in what was a great evening's sail.


1st 4235 Wijit
2nd 4270  Jolly Roger
3rd  4266 Flying Colours
4th 4263  Jobs for the Buoys
5th 4236 OJ
6th 4239  Zaphod
7th  4067  Vinyl Solutions

William Lack Marine 
mobile tel no. 0782 552 8413
Representing: Baltic, Key West, LED Lenser, Sea Smart, Holt, Tilley Endurables.